Blair's Amazon Pulse, Aug 25 2023

Hey everyone, Blair here.

This is your weekly update of the best Amazon seller insights.

Building an Optimal Amazon Storefront 🏪

Amazon stores give you the freedom to continually expand on the features and benefits that give confidence to your customers. There are so many ways to engage your customer and urge them to explore your products. I wrote a blog post to talk about Amazon stores and how to optimize them through imagery, branding, and product selection. Click here to learn everything you need to know.

New Way to Show Ratings? ⭐

Amazon is testing a new way of showing customers product ratings. It would be displayed as a percentage rather than a straight number. This shifts the focus from the volume of reviews to the quality of those reviews, similar to Rotten Tomatoes. This could help new sellers compete with established ones. Product quality will definitely be more important than ever! Link

Amazon FBA Fees in Q4 Are Not Looking Good… 💸

FBA fees in Q4 are typically more straining on our profits. This year, it’s best to prepare for the uptick in fees starting now. Your options to get inventory out of Amazon’s warehouses include driving sales, remove, dispose, or liquidate. There’s pros and cons to each option, but if you’re interested in driving sales, then you should be prepared to invest in ads. Link

New Amazon Packaging Website 📦

The Amazon packaging website has moved to, with new features. On the new site, you can learn all about the SIOC and FPF programs. These programs will help you optimize packaging. Search the new Packaging Solutions Library to find options that can fit your needs. Link

Free Tool That Will Save You Time 🛠️

If you’re anything like me, then you’re constantly checking on your ASINs to make sure that they’re performing well and looking good. Any good Amazon seller frequently walks the store to verify that everything is going smoothly. With my free extension tool for Chrome, you can simply open a new tab and type “az [ASIN]” and you’ll be taken to that product listing! Link