Blair's Amazon Pulse, Nov 24 2023

It’s Blair! Here for your weekly update of Amazon news, insights, and more.

Increase Conversions with Infographics for Free: GUIDE

I’m no graphic designer. I could learn, but I’d rather work on other important tasks. So many other Amazon sellers are in the same boat. If you’re looking to increase conversion rates, but you don’t have hours to spend on learning graphic design, then don’t worry. I made a YouTube video detailing my easy process for creating high-quality infographics that CONVERT. Click here to learn my process.

Direct Fulfillment API Update 💻

Amazon provides vendors with APIs for the Direct Fulfillment program, enabling automation of order processes like receiving, labeling, and inventory updates. The options of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Application Programming Interface (API) optimize supply chain operations for vendors. Automation has proven successful, enhancing performance, scalability, and cost efficiency. Vendors can choose between EDI and API or use both simultaneously, with the API offering additional features for Vendor Central tasks. The goal is to streamline operations, minimize errors, and facilitate seamless interactions with Amazon for Direct Fulfillment vendors. Link

RDT and LWA Tokens

Amazon has updated its access protocols for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the Selling Partner API. While the initial plan was to transition exclusively to the Tokens API and Restricted Data Token (RDT), Amazon will now continue supporting both RDT and LWA tokens to retrieve PII, aiming to minimize workflow disruption. Certain API operations, such as orders and shipping, may require the use of RDT. The update affects developers using Selling Partner APIs for customer PII across all marketplaces, with no immediate action required. Link

That’s all for the week! Next week, we’ll have more news and more advice on growing your Amazon business.

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